Their music is sometimes played on the channel MTV and internationally Junoon has played with Metallica and Pearl Jam. http://www.123musiq.com/images/AbhijeetSawant-Junoon.jpg
Their music is based on Mysticism and here is the explanation to what mysticism is; the belief that personal communication or union with the divine that is achieved through intuition, faith, ecstasy, or sudden insight rather than through rational thought.
To me this is a bit confusing but the music is pretty good. I would really like to hear the mixture of metallica and Junoon.
Further down is a website to Junoon and a Youtube video from one of their songs.
Copy and paste the websites to a new window on your browser :D
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HoknbARSlI
- http://www.junoon.com/
The MTV Pakistan music awards will be held in May. Junoon is not nominated for a category in this music awards ceremony, which is called "MTV Brrr Music Awards 2009." I just thought it was interesting.